PHOTON TORCH II™ - Pain Relief

NOTE: The following Information contains an Alternative Healing Method that has been found to be EFFECTIVE in HELPING the Body to RELIEVE Pain.

1. See the PHOTON TORCH II™ - Operating Instructions for BASIC Operation.

2a. Shine the SOLID/CONTINUOUS RED Light Beam about 1/4" above and about 1/2" from the MAJOR PAIN POINT No. 1 (see below) on the OPPOSITE Hand from the AREA of PAIN. Now circle the SOLID/CONTINUOUS RED Light Beam clockwise around, into and then place onto the MAJOR PAIN POINT No. 1 (see below).
NOTE: Do this EXPERIMENTAL Biophoton Light Therapy Treatment for 2-5 mins. - 2 times per day. If using MAJOR PAIN POINT No. 1 isn't EFFECTIVE, then place your PHOTON TORCH II™ onto the MAJOR PAIN POINT No. 2 (see below).



< No. 2 - A quarter of a finger proximal and towards the thumb from the thumb side of the base of the nail of the index finger.

< No.1 - On the highest point of the hill formed when the straight thumb is pressed against the side of the index finger.

2b. And/or "paint" the Pain Area with the SOLID/CONTINUOUS RED Light Beam.
NOTE: Do this EXPERIMENTAL Biophoton Light Therapy Treatment for 5-10 mins. - 2-3 times per day.

3. Push the Black Rubber Button on the case 'IN' again to turn your PHOTON TORCH™ "OFF".

4. Continue your EXPERIMENTAL Biophoton Light Therapy Treatments until you have obtained the DESIRED healing results.
NOTE: If you have NOT, then obtain and use the PHOTON TORCH II™ with a BLUE L.E.D. .

Revised 12/29/13