Sam Biser & Dr. Richard Schulze:
Save-Your-Life Herbal Video Series User's Manual -
Revised 8-17-12

CHAPTER #1: Introduction  9 
CHAPTER #2: The Basic Programs for Curing Cancer  35 
CHAPTER #3: Juice Fasting  65 
CHAPTER #4: Electrically "ground" the Human Body  91 
CHAPTER #5: Using Water to Cure  97 
CHAPTER #6: Cleansing the Bowel  121 
CHAPTER #7: Cleansing the Liver  151
CHAPTER #8: Cleansing the Kidneys  165
CHAPTER #9: Cleansing the Blood  177 
CHAPTER #10: Breast Cancer  183 
CHAPTER #11: Cervical Cancer  193 
CHAPTER #12: Prostate Cancer  235 
CHAPTER #13: Brain Cancer  247 
CHAPTER #14: Lung Cancer  255
CHAPTER #15; Liver Cancer  265 
CHAPTER #16: Pancreatic Cancer  275 
CHAPTER #17: Leukemia  283 
CHAPTER #18: Curing Children of Cancer  289 
CHAPTER #19: AIDS  305
CHAPTER #20: Immune Formulas and Skin Cancer  323
CHAPTER #21: Stopping Cancer and Other Pain  351 
CHAPTER #22: Arthritis  351 
CHAPTER #23: Alzheimer's and Dementia  369 
CHAPTER #24: Strokes and Head Injuries  381 
CHAPTER #25: Regenerating Bones, Muscles and Nerves  395 
CHAPTER #26: Diabetes  411 
CHAPTER #27: Appendicitis 421 
CHAPTER #28: Eye Disease 427 
CHAPTER #29: Lupus 437 
CHAPTER #30: Emphysema and other Lung Conditions 443 
CHAPTER #31: Heart Disease 447 
CHAPTER #32: Nervous System Degeneration 473 
CHAPTER #33: Making Herbal Preparations, Part I 509 
CHAPTER #34: Making Herbal Preparations, Part II  531 
CHAPTER #35: Answers to Reader's Questions  545 
CHAPTER #36: Advice from Sam Biser  583 
CHAPTER #37: Conclusion  589 
APPENDIX A: Herbal Sources  601 
APPENDIX B: Tape Guide 605 
INDEX: Index of Contents 613