Compiled And Edited By Tom Harrelson

Therapeutic Action: Aloe Vera has Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, and Anti-Fungal Properties. It is also an Analgesic, helping to relieve Pain and an Anti-Inflammatory, helping to reduce Swelling and Inflammation, thus promoting the Body's Healing Process. Aloe is also an Anti-Oxidant, helping to NEUTRALIZE Free Radicals. Aloe Vera contains Allantoin, PROMOTING the Healing Process, and REPAIRING Tissue INSIDE and OUTSIDE of the Body! Aloe Vera can even give PAIN RELIEF for 3rd Degree Burns.

Formula: To obtain the HEALING Gel from the Aloe Leaf, you must:
1. Pick out an Outer Aloe Vera Leaf and cut it off near the BASE of the Plant. This would be one of the OLDEST, STRONGEST, & HEALTHIEST Leaves.
2. Take the Leaf and place it on a Cutting Board.
3. Trim off the Leaf edges and then fillet off the TOP and BOTTOM Skin of the Leaf, but NOT including the Green Portion, until you are left with a SLAB of clear Gel.

NOTE: Use the younger leaves towards the center of the Plant, if less SEVERE Burns/Sunburns (1st & 2nd Degree) are involved. EVERYONE should have at LEAST 1-2 HEALTHY Aloe Vera Plants growing in their home, so that the Leaves can be used for HEALING, if and when they are NEEDED.

Applications & Dosages:

If a Person has 3rd or 4th DEGREE BURNS, you must:
1. NO WAITING!! IMMEDIATELY FLUSH the Burned area with VERY COLD Water, but preferably place ICE, wrapped in a MOISTENED Washcloth, on the Area, keeping it ON for 10 minutes!
2. Give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth to HELP with SHOCK!
3. Give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls 1 - 5 minutes later of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Body to RELAX and to EASE the Pain!
4. Give Echinacea Plus Tincture orally for PREVENTION of an Infection, being caused by the Burn(s).
5. Apply FRESH Aloe Vera Leaves IMMEDIATELY, DIRECTLY and LIBERALLY over the SEVERE Burns!
5A. Or apply RAW Honey over the SEVERE Burns, if Aloe Vera Gel is NOT AVAILABLE.
5B. Or add 1 part - Comfrey Powder and 1 part - Wheat Germ Oil to 1 part - Honey , if you have them AVAILABLE, to make the HEALING POWER of Honey even MORE EFFECTIVE!
5C. Apply this formula over the SEVERE Burns, covering that area with a CLEAN bandage, changing the Dressings 1-3 times DAILY.
6. Change this dressing each day for 2 or MORE days, placing a FRESH slab of Aloe Vera Gel over the SEVERE Burns just before Bedtime.
7. Drink PLENTY of FRESH Juices to prevent DEHYDRATION, but if they are NOT available, then eat Slippery Elm Gruel as an ALTERNATIVE for NOURISHMENT along with drinking PLENTY of PURE Water!
8. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

NOTE: Grow your own Aloe Vera Plants and have 10 lbs. of ICE in the Freezer at ALL times for EMERGENCY PURPOSES!

Whenever taking ANY Plant Oil internally or using it externally, and particularly Wheat Germ Oil, please be SURE to obtain it from an UNOPENED container, if it has NOT been REFRIGERATED! And once the container has been OPENED, then please be SURE to REFRIGERATE the Wheat Germ Oil, thus ensuring that the Oil does NOT become RANCID, doing MORE HARM, than BENEFIT for the Body!!

If a Person has 1st or 2nd DEGREE BURNS, you must:
1. Apply the Gel from FRESH younger/smaller Aloe Vera Leaves DIRECTLY over the Burns!
1A. Or apply RAW Honey over the Burns, if Aloe Vera Gel is NOT AVAILABLE.
1B. Or add 1 part - Comfrey Powder and 1 part - Wheat Germ Oil to 1 part - Honey , if you have them AVAILABLE, to make the HEALING POWER of Honey even MORE EFFECTIVE!
1C. Apply this formula over the Burns, covering that area with a CLEAN bandage, changing the Dressings 1-3 times DAILY.
2. Change this dressing each day for 2 or MORE days, placing a FRESH Aloe Vera Gel over the Burns just before Bedtime.
3. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

Reading MORE Information About Dr. Richard Schulze, His Herbal Formulae And Natural Healing Methods, Then Please CLICK HERE.

Revised 6/17/12