The Hoxsey Treatment is a program for the treatment of cancer utilizing a specially formulated herbal tonic combined with a diet of fresh foods that excludes salt, sugar, and alcohol. Certain other foods are also banned because they conflict with the tonic and neutralize it's effect.

The tonic can be taken internally to treat internal cancers, and used as a salve or lotion and applied topically to treat external cancers. Aida Flores who worked with Mildred Nelson, RN at the Biomedical Center (Centro Biomedico) states: "The Hoxsey Tonic is to be used orally, however we have the Hoxsey Ointment, which is used externally, on certain types of external cancers, but still the patient has to be on the Hoxsey Oral Tonic, before starting any external treatment.

Analysis has shown it to contain potassium iodide, licorice, red clover, burdock root, stillingia root, berberis root, poke root, cascara amarga, prickly ash bark, and buckthorn bark. Several of these well-known North American herbs are thought to have anti-cancer attributes.

In 1840 John Hoxsey noticed one of his horses, one that had developed cancer, selecting and eating certain herbs that grew around the farm. After a period of time he noticed the horse's cancer was cured.

John Hoxsey then set about to gather those same herbs and brew them together into a potion. He used the potion or tonic to treat and cure other cancerous animals.

The tonic's formula was passed down from father to son and when Harry M. Hoxsey, John Hoxsey's great-grandson, turned eighteen, he was given the formula

In the 1920's, Harry M. Hoxsey, a charming self-taught healer, founded the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, Texas. The course of treatment at the clinic was limited to herbal mixtures.

In 1924 Hoxsey was allowed by the established medical profession to test his herbal method. Although the test was proved successful, continued use on the treatment became contingent on Hoxsey's agreeing to stringent terms. Finding these terms intolerable, he refused.

Hoxsey then made further efforts to convince the medical establishment in this country of the legitimacy of his treatment. He asked the American Medical Association and the National Cancer Institute to test his treatment, but this never happened. He continued his work, curing people of cancer, in spite of threats and persecution. Numerous problems with the American Medical Association ensued and he was arrested several times for practicing medicine without a license.

In 1954, the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted an investigation of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic of Dallas, Texas, from "behind their desk". The conclusion was that the tonic was merely a "cough medicine" because it contained potassium iodine, an expectorant included in some cough medicine formulas. The essence of the report, pulished in the June 12,1954 issue of JAMA, stated in brief, said the Hoxsey Tonic "is without any therapeutic merit in the treatment of cancer." In 1960, the Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of Hoxsey's Remedy.

Although the Hoxsey Treatment has not been obtainable in the United States for over thirty years, it is still available at the Bio-Medical Center, an alternative medicine clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. 

Kastner, Mark, L.A.c., Dipl.Ac., and Burroughs, Hugh Alternative Healing - The Complete A to Z Guide to More Than 150 Alternative Therapies Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1996, P.125-126.

You can write to the Bio-Medical Center for more information about the Hoxsey Treatment:
P.O. Box 433654
San Ysidro, CA 92143
Phone: 011 52 664 684-9011 (Tijuana, Mexico)
Fax: 011 52 664 684-9744
Email: bmc@telnor.net

MORE Information About The Hoxsey Treatment:

Revised 5/5/08