OZONE functions as a Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Deodorant, Bactericide, Virucide, Fungicide, Paraciticide, Protozoacide, Hemostat, Analgesic, Circulatory Stimulant, Wound Cleansing Agent, and Wound Healing Agent. OZONE performs these functions through Ionization, Subatomic Exchange (Oxidation), Electron/Free Radical Reactions, Electrovoltaic Stimulus, and Electromagnetic Reactions resulting in profuse Photon and Energy Transfer. Among the NUMEROUS Actions of OZONE are the following:
1. ACCELERATES Glycolysis (breakdown of glycogen) in RBCs, thus OZONE:
a. INCREASES the Release of O2 from the Hemoglobin in the Blood to the Tissues.
b. ENHANCES the Formation of Acetyl Coenzyme-A, which is VITAL in Metabolic Detoxification.
c. INFLUENCES the Mitochrondrial Transport System, thus ENHANCING the Metabolism of ALL Cells
and safeguarding against Mutagenic changes.
d. INCREASES Red Blood Cell pliability, Blood fluidity, and Arterial PO2 (oxygen content) and DECREASES
Rouleaux Clumping, which INTERFERES with the NORMAL functioning of the Red Blood Cell Metabolism.
2. REDUCES NAPH Production and OXIDIZES Cytochromes.
3. STIMULATES the Production of Inteferon and Interleukin-II.
4. STIMULATES the Reticulo-Endothelial System, thus REBUILDING Tissue.
5. OPENS the Circular Plasmid DNA, which LESSENS Bacterial Proliferation.
6. INCREASES ATP production, thus allowing for the Production of Catalase.
7. CHELATES Iron and Calcium, thereby BLOCKING the formation of "Free Radicals".
8. ACTIVATES the Enzymes involved in Peroxide or Oxygen "Free Radical" DESTRUCTION (i.e.- Glutathione, Catalase, and S.O.D.).
9. INCREASES Leukocytosis (production of the white blood cells) and Phagocytosis (an action whereby certain White Blood Cells DESTROY foreign matter).
10. DISRUPTS the Lipid Cell Membranes of Anerobic and/or partially Anerobic Pathogenic Micro-organisms, plus WEAK and/or DEFECTIVE Cells ONLY by Atomic Disassociation and Solubilization (lipid peroxidation) due to the Action of the Hydroxyperoxides formed, thereby EXPOSING and DESTROYING them.
World Ozone Congress: Abstracts - 20+ yrs..
OZONE-The Breath of Life/Robert Willner, M.D./The Family News, Vol. V No. I.
Medical Ozone Therapy/Stanley Beyrle, M.D./HIV Treatment News/Report No. 6.
A Synopsis Of Polyatomic Oxygen/Basil Wainwright, Ph.D./The Family News/Vol. V No. II.
The Use Of Ozone In Medicine (4th Edition)/Renate Viebahn-Hansler, Ph.D. & Andrew Lee.
Ozone in Medicine/Gerard V. Sunnen, M.D./Journal of Advancement in Medicine/Vol. I No. 3 Fall 1988.
OZONE Fact Sheet No. 4 - Medical (Revised 7/1/08)