This is a modern edition of a manuscript first published in 1923 previously entitled, "BECHAMP OR PASTEUR?". The author has sought to show Pasteur and his ideas as being those of a charlatan by presenting the much suppressed work of Professor Antoine Bechamp.
In reading this book, the hero of orthodox medicine, Pasteur, has been exposed as a "chemist who, without ever being a doctor, dared nothing less than to profess to revolutionise medicine." His goal of personal success dominated his ego. He attained his desires through forcefulness and tenacity. In doing so he put aside all tenderness and love of life, coldly carrying out barbaric atrocities on animals to 'prove' his theories.
In contrast, Bechamp was a man of incredible love and respect for all life. He was not motivated by self elevation. His passion was to seek the Truth and this was the inspiration behind his work.
We are indebted to Bechamp for the first scientific evidence that life and health was dependent on "energy". This has furthered Hahnemann's work [Hahnemann is the father of homoeopathy] and endorsed the practice of homoeopathy and other therapies dependent on "energy" such as acupuncture. However, it met with unpopularity because it firmly disproved the germ theory, especially vaccination, promoted by Pasteur.
Bechamp's work was negated and almost lost through Pasteur's denounciation of any rival work. It was saved by Dr. Leverson who, in America, was far enough removed, at that time, to be influenced by the cult worship of Pasteur. Inspired by Bechamp's written accounts of his experiments, he travelled to France to meet the great man only a few months before Bechamp died.
Again Bechamp's work may have disappeared, if Leverson had not met the author, Ethel Douglas Hume, at a meeting. She took on the task of documenting all the notes and writings. This manuscript went through four editions by the original publisher and again appeared to be doomed to obscurity.
The present publisher of this work came across the last remaining copy in 1989 in the library of the London Homoeopathic Society. He also was so strongly inspired by it's contents, that he immediately set about making it easily obtainable to all of us, who know there is another approach to health than the system we have to endure. It arms us with ammunition to retaliate against those, who seek to discredit the effectiveness of homoeopathy.
The Medical Authorities, since Pasteur's time, have continued to mistake his fraudulent compulsion for greatness with scientific advancement. And, in doing so, not only have hindered, but also denied the truly great work carried out by less arrogant scientists, such as Bechamp. They have jealously guarded the dictum of their hero rejecting any possibility that there may be a safer, more ethical, alternative.
Has Medical Science matured enough to admit the possibility that their work has followed the wrong direction, since Pasteur? Is it strong enough to accept the responsibility of it's mistakes? Will it work to rectify the errors and bring positive changes to medicine irregardless of the blame cast and the power of money hungry egotists and drug corporations?
This book will convince the reader, that it is imperative that attitudes to health care change now before more innocent suffer in the futility of the present conventional approach.
Reviewed by Lindsey Porter, Dip. Hom.