Water is NOT one SOLID mass of Liquid, but it actually consists of Layers. When these Layers SLIDE by each
other, as when SHAKEN, the surfaces of these Layers are susceptible to ADSORBING an Electromagnetic Force or
Energy. Whenever Water is TURBULENT, it is affected by Magnetic Forces, which are either manmade or from the
Earth's NATURAL Magnetic Field. In Nature, this occurs whenever Water flows over rocks or obstructions, around
sharp bends or over elevations and depressions in the River or Stream's Bed. These Actions have been found to
cause Water to be "Structured".
Whenever Water is "Structured", the Molecules within it STRENGTHEN their Positive and Negative
Charges, thus INCREASING their NATURAL Attraction and Repulsion. The result is that MORE Molecules "stick"
together, forming Liquid Crystal Chains. The forming of these Crystal Chains causes a DRASTIC Change in the
COMPOSITION of the Water, making it quite DIFFERENT from what we consider "normal" Water. One of the MAIN
BENEFITS is that this NOW "Structured" Water becomes MORE like the Body's own Water, meaning that the Body
does NOT have to make CHANGES to it, before it becomes USEFUL! In addition, ANY Herbs and/or Supplements,
but especially Foods taken with "Structured" Water will be assimilated MORE EASILY, thus causing a MORE
RAPID Reaction. There are also MANY other BENEFITS to the use of "Structured" Water, including MORE EFFICIENT
and STRONGER Colloid Production, increased Plant Growth and the REDUCTION of Mineral Deposits in Water
Pipes and Water Heaters.
Water, that is passed through STRONG Magnetic Fields, is being used in Industry and Medicine in Russia,
France, U.S.A. and other countries. The Volga Research Institute in Russia NOW irrigates HUGE areas with
Magnetized Water. The Water has been found to give a 28% INCREASE in Winter Wheat, 17% in Corn, 37% in
Cucumbers and 32% in Tomatoes! So IMPRESSIVE have been the results that a SPECIAL Crop Sprinkler is NOW
being mass-produced, which magnetizes the Water. And Factory Engineers in Russia are using methods of Steam
Boiler Water magnetizing for REDUCTION of Boiler Scale and the Textile Industry. Also a similar Device is also being
tested in the State of Washington to INCREASE the fertility of Rainbow Trout!
Hurricanes, Tornados, Typhoons, Waterspouts, Whirlpools, and similar motions in Fluids occur when
Liquids drop through an opening known as a "Vortex". The action is the concentration of Kinetic Energy
(motion of the fluid). In the atmosphere, Thermals and Wind Shear are the source of the Energy, which
produces the Tornado "Vortex". In liquids, such as Water, the Potential Energy (Mass) is converted to
Kinetic Energy as it descends, pulled by Gravity through an opening. A small initial rotation about the opening
becomes MORE violent (HIGHER Rotational Velocity) as the Molecules come CLOSE to the Center. The resulting
OUTWARD Force tends to keep the liquid out of the EXACT center, maintaining a "HOLE" in the remaining Liquid.
This "Vortex" Action has also been found to produce "Structured" Water.
NOW we know that "Structured" Water can be produced in several different ways. These 3 ways will result
in varying degrees of STRUCTURE within the Water that is being treated.
1. By shaking it VIGOROUSLY.
2. By shaking it within a Magnetic Field.
3. By running it through or over small obstructions, such as small smooth pebbles, which will
create small Eddies or "Vortex" Action behind each pebble.
"Structured" Water can be induced by vigorously shaking or swirling water in a Container. When this is done
deliberately, Magnets are usually ADDED to the Container to insure that there is a STRONGER Magnetic Field.
If interested In:
Seeing MORE Information On "Vortex" Action, Then Please CLICK
Seeing MORE Information On Magnetizing Water, Then Please CLICK HERE.