HEALTHVIEW: What can done to HEAD-OFF a
Heart Attack, once the Urine Test indicates one is COMING?
REAMS: Basically,
it's SIMPLE--you have to CLEANSE your system and WASH-OUT the EXCESS Urea! And
you do this by drinking Distilled Water. You should drink about half of your
Body Weight in ounces per day. If you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink 80
ounces; 120 pounds, 60 ounces and so on and so forth. You should drink it in
4-ounce Doses every half-hour. If you drink MORE at once, it will NOT do you ANY
good, because it will simply PASS through your Body WITHOUT cleansing it!
HEALTHVIEW: How LONG does it take to cleanse the body?
REAMS: Cleansing
your Body takes from 3 months to 1 year, but it usually ONLY takes about 24 - 48
hours to MOVE a Person OUT of the Heart Attack DANGER Zone! And after your Body
Chemistry has become favorable, you should CONTINUE taking this dosage of
Distilled Water EVERY half-hour to keep your Body FREE of WASTE Products.
Drinking the Water is NOT DIFFICULT, once you get used to it.
HEALTHVIEW: Does that also work for Angina Heart Attacks caused by
REAMS: YES, and interestingly, the Process often REVERSES Obesity
also. The reason is that, when one's Body becomes SATURATED with Salts, it can
NOT provide RESERVE Energy, as Fat is supposed to do. It's more like Salted
Pork, than an Energy Reservoir. So the Body puts on MORE Fat to provide the
RESERVE Energy, that it NEEDS! And that also becomes SATURATED with Salt, so
that now the body puts on MORE and MORE Fat.
HEALTHVIEW: Do you recommend that people AVOID Salts?
REAMS: NO, because
there are some people, who must have Sodium Chloride, and if their Body
Chemistry is functioning PROPERLY, it won't HURT them, but if your Body
Chemistry is MALFUNCTIONING, Salt and Sea Kelp are the WORST things, that they
could use in their diet and Mineral Salts from Organically-Grown Vegetables will
STORE in the Body's Tissues!
HEALTHVIEW: Can Distilled Water LEECH-OUT VITAL Minerals from the
REAMS: NO, it can NOT, since it's IMPOSSIBLE for Distilled Water to
DEMINERALIZE LIVE Tissue or LIVE Bone and ONLY washes out DECAYING Materials
HEALTHVIEW: Besides Distilled Water, what else can be used for the Cleansing
REAMS: Distilled Water is BEST! It's DEVOID of Minerals and is
absorbent, like a DRY Sponge or a Blotter. When you drink Distilled Water,
EXCESSIVE Protein is the FIRST thing, that is REMOVED from the Body, because the
Water becomes IONIZED, carrying an Electrical Charge and DRAWING-OUT the DEAD
Cells and Protein Wastes from the Tissues.
HEALTHVIEW: What else do you use for cleansing?
form of Dolomite Magnesium, which acts as a Catalyst to turn EXCESSIVE Blood
Protein into Energy. It also causes the Blood to RELEASE EXCESS Proteins into
the Urine.
HEALTHVIEW: Do you use any SPECIAL Foods for people with Heart
REAMS: YES, WE DO! To REBUILD the Heart, we use Foods RICH in
NATURAL Arsenic, those being Asparagus and Celery. The NATURAL Arsenic in these
Vegetables is in the Phosphate Form and is NOT POISONOUS and is in fact VITAL
for a STRONG Heart! The Asparagus is BETTER cooked or canned, than RAW. We use
the Celery in Salads and as Celery Juice, giving 4 - 5 ounces a day. We also use
Lettuce, Romaine and Escarole in Salads and in GREEN Drinks made with a
Vegetable Juicer. Lettuce LOWERS their TENSION, because it contains a SMALL
amount of NATURAL Opium, which HELPS to keep the Muscles around the Heart
HEALTHVIEW: Turning now to a related subject, what causes High Blood
Pressure? REAMS: There are 2 MAIN causes. One is Pressure from WITHIN and the
other is Pressure from WITHOUT! Pressure from WITHIN develops, when a Person has
a Chip on his Shoulder and HATES somebody or wants REVENGE for something or
another. Pressure from WITHOUT is caused by Scar Tissue and SWELLINGS in the
Tissues, that PRESS inward on Blood Vessels. When this happens, the Heart has to
pump HARDER to get the Blood to the Capillaries.
HEALTHVIEW: And how about Hypertension?
REAMS: Hypertension is NOT
necessarily High Blood Pressure. There's ONLY one cause of Hypertension, that
I've ever found, and that is Food digesting TOO SLOWLY, causing CONSTIPATION!
The Proteins do NOT digest NORMALLY and they turn to Urea, which then OVERWORKS
the Heart, making you feel WORN-OUT and TIRED ALL of the time!
HEALTHVIEW: That's a beautiful story. Now, when you're cleansing a Person's
Body, what do you do to try to make SURE that the SAME Problem does NOT
REAMS: You have to REPATTERN a Person's Body Chemistry, so that the
Body no longer STORES UNDESIRABLE Salts and other Materials, but rather uses
what it truly NEEDS and EXCRETES the Residue! And to do this, we use the Lemon
Juice Fast. For 3 days we give MOST people NOTHING but 4 ounces of FRESH Lemon
Juice in 36 ounces of Distilled Water. The Person drinks 4 ounces of the Lemon
Juice every hour on the hour until ALL 40 ounces are FINISHED. The Patients take
the SAME number of days to BREAK the Fast as they were on the Lemon Juice Fast.
They continue to take the Lemon Juice, until they are COMPLETELY OFF of the
Fast. They increase the Food intake during the next 2 days, Starting with a
Soft-Boiled or Poached Egg, plus a Vegetable Broth on the 4th day, until they
are eating REGULARLY by the 7th day. If you don't BREAK the Fast CORRECTLY, the
Body will REVERT back to it's UNHEALTHY State and will keep STORING Salts,
instead of EXCRETING them!
HEALTHVIEW: How do people go about taking your Urine Test?
necessary for people to come to Georgia to be tested. I have qualified people
trained from MANY States around the country, who do my Urine Test. (Editor's
Comment: Dr Reams has died, since this Newsletter was published in 1977, but
there is a Facility, where they do the Reams Urine Test with the APPROVAL of Dr.
Reams' Son - see FINAL NOTES below)
HEALTHVIEW: Could you please sum up for our readers the IMPORTANT Points,
that you would like them to REMEMBER?
1. You must be PERSISTENT, if you want to get results with the
Distilled Water Cleansing Program. You should carry a Jug or Thermos with you
and get used to drinking the Distilled Water REGULARLY. It took years for the
Salts and Toxins to accumulate in your Tissues, and it may take up to 1 year to
wash them OUT! Please do NOT be like the Person who said, "Exercise does NOT
work, because I tried it one day and NOTHING happened!"
2. You must make SURE
that your Body has the Minerals, that it NEEDS to REBUILD NEW Cells, because if
you LACK Minerals, your OLD Cells will NOT be REPLACED PROMPTLY, but will SWELL
and DECAY, IMPEDING Circulation! You should get your Minerals by eating a LARGE
variety of ORGANIC Vegetables. Vegetables, which taste SWEETER and are CRISPER
will have a HIGHER Mineral Content! I would also recommend Min-Col as a
Mineral Supplement, 1 Capsule per day, afterwards taking 2 capsules 2 times per
day for 30 days for Adults.
3. If you are HEALTHY and are going to eat Meat,
then you must LIMIT it to three days a week, unless you're physically EXTREMELY
active, in which case you will need to eat MORE.
4. If you have a Heart
Problem, then eat the Foods recommended earlier for strengthening the Heart and
Liver: Asparagus, Celery, RAW Greens, Quail and Red Salmon, and Carrot
5. EVERYONE should eat a LARGE RAW Leafy Green Salad EVERY single day.
This will supply the Body with Chlorophyll, which HELPS the Liver to produce the
Enzymes NEEDED by the Pancreas. And stimulating the Pancreas is NECESSARY, when
you want to CONTROL Conditions such as LOW Blood Sugar, COLD Hands and Feet, and