"Clearing The Smoke About Tobacco"
Tom Harrelson
Revised 4/20/15
Three basic things, that MOST of us know about Tobacco, are that it is:
- a Green Leafy Plant.
- used for smoking or chewing.
- linked with Lung CANCER!
Eight other things, that MOST of us do NOT know about Tobacco, are that it is:
- in the Nightshade Family, which includes the following Plants:
- Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplants and Green Mango Peppers, plus ALL Peppers, except White and Black, plus a POISONOUS Plant known as Belladonna (nightshade).
- eaten by Native Americans, before they started smoking it, and like other Cultures, that eat Nightshade Vegetables, it's combined with Dairy Products (acidic) to make it (tobacco - alkaline) MORE digestable, plus the Dairy Products (preferably raw milk) HELP to NEGATE the Calcium LOSS.
- a cause of Calcium Deficiency, which involves the following Health Conditions:
- Osteoporosis, Aching Muscles, Joint Pain and Tooth Decay/Brittleness.
- a cause of Vitamin C DEFICIENCY, which involves the following Health Conditions:
- Colds, Flu and other Infections.
- VERY HIGH in the following Alkaloids:
- Solanine, which INTEFERES with the Nerve Impulse Transmission and involves the following Health Conditions:
- SEVERE Gastrointestinal Problems, Dizziness, Diarrhea, Jaundice and even DEATH (which is the VERY Reason, that you should NOT eat Potato Sprouts)!
- Nicotine, which affects the Central Nervous System, so that it's simliar to the following Drugs:
- Cocaine, Heroin and Alcohol - Physical Dependency and Withdrawl Symptoms.
- HARMFUL, when burned, because the following Gaseous Chemical Vapors are formed:
- Carbon Monoxide, which internally SUFFOCATES by displacing the ESSENTIAL Oxygen in the Hemoglobin in the Blood, plus promotes EXCESS Cholesterol Production.
- Hydrogen Cyanide, which INFLAMES the Bronchial Lining of the Lungs, causing Bronchitis.
- Cadium, which is a TOXIC Metal and involves the following Health Conditions:
- Kidney DAMAGE, HIGH Blood Pressure, Atherosclerosis, Emphysema and even CANCER!
- particularly HARMFUL to Women, which involves the following Health Conditions:
- EARLY Menopause, Osteoporosis and a HIGHER Risk of Cervical, Uteral and Lung CANCER!
- especially HARMFUL to Pregnant Women, which involves the following Health Condtions:
- SPONTANEOUS Abortions, STILL Births, PREMATURE Deliveries and SUBNORMALLY Healthy Babies!
- Nutrition Almanac, 1984, pgs. 412 & 3, John D. Kirshmann.
- Prescription For Nutritional Healing, 1990, pg. 291, Phyllis Balch & James E. Balch.
- Prescription For Cooking & Dietary Wellness, 1992, pgs. 155 & 6, Phyllis Balch & James E. Balch.
If You're Interested In STOPPING An Addiction To Tobacco,
Then Please CLICK HERE.
NOTE: Dr. Schulze's Lobelia Tincture is NOT available, and so you can either make it yourself or obtain HerbPharm Lobelia Extract.