NOTE: The following Information contains an Alternative Healing Method that has been found to be EFFECTIVE in HELPING the Body to HEAL Whiplash.


1. See the PHOTON TORCH XL™ - Operating Instructions for BASIC Operation.

2. Flip the minature Toggle Switch on the Control Box of your PHOTON TORCH XL™ to 'SOLID'.

3. Direct the RED Beam emitted by the PHOTON TORCH XL™ onto the involved Muscles and "PAINT" that Area, using SLOW circular motions until these Muscles RELAX (3-5 mins.).

4. Perform DEEP Massage Technique, Osteopathic Manipulation &/or Chiropractic Adjustment, if possible.

5. Enter the SPECIFIC Frequency - 266 Hz. into the Keypad.
NOTE: Please see WAVESHAPER™ Frequency Instrument - Operating Instructions (IIa - Keypad/Single Frequency Operation).

6. Direct the RED Beam emitted by the PHOTON TORCH XL™ onto the involved Muscles and "PAINT" that Area AGAIN, using SLOW circular motions until these Muscles RELAX (3-5 mins.).
NOTE: The above Step will HELP to SPEED-UP the HEALING of the DAMAGED Muscle Tissue.

7. Continue your Treatments until the DESIRED healing results have been achieved.
NOTE: Please keep a Log from your Starting Date of using this Protocol and keep me informed of the progress of your Whiplash Problem(s).

Revised 1/30/10