TOTAL HEALTH Newsletter - Special Issue No. 2B
WOMEN'S HERBAL INTENSIVE THERAPY - Part 2: Acute, Emergency & Life-
Threatening Health Conditions - Therapeutic Applications & Dosages
Compiled & Edited by Tom Harrelson (Revised 5/28/03)

NOTE: The Dosages, which are in this Newsletter, are VERY EFFECTIVE, being developed by Dr. Richard Schulze, Clinical Herbalist! "TUNE" into your Body, so that you'll obtain MORE EFFICIENT Results, while doing them!
This Newsletter could CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, so please check the Revised Date above. If you're reading this Newsletter On-Line, you can CLICK ON ANY Link (Blue Underlined Words or Phrases) for MORE Information about that particular Word or Phrase!

1. Make a SIMPLE Garlic Poultice by taping a sliced half of a Medium-to-Large ORGANIC Garlic Clove - WET side down) over a Boil, Mole, Wart, or Skin Cancer Area.
2. Apply Aloe Vera Gel around the Spot/Area to PROTECT the Skin from the Acids in the Garlic.
3. Do this procedure 2-3 times per Day, changing the Garlic Clove each time for a FRESH Piece.
4. Drink 1-3 cups Red Clover Blossom Tea daily.
5. Continue this Treatment, until the Spot/Area is COMPLETELY HEALED.
NOTE: ANY Abnormal Growths should BURN-OFF within a FEW Days.
If the Spot/Area is healing SLOWLY, then make enough Slippery Elm Gruel to COVER the Spot/Area, and use the Gruel, until the Spot/Area has healed COMPLETELY.
The "INCURABLES" Program should also be done as the FOUNDATION with this SIMPLE Garlic Poultice and Red Clover Blossom Tea as SPECIFICS.

1. Use 2 different Suppositories each Day for 2 Weeks TOTAL, alternating every other week (6 days-ON & 1 day-OFF) between 1 - Garlic Clove and 1 - Herbal Suppository.
2. 1st Week - Insert 1 - peeled LARGE Garlic Clove into the Vagina on each Night for the 1st Week.
NOTE: 1st night - peeled ONLY, 2nd night - peeled & bruised, & 3rd - 7th Nights - peeled, bruised & slices cut into the Clove). To remove the Clove, just stand up and it will drop down. There may be some burning while the healing action is going on, so proceed at own pace.
3. 2nd Week - Each Day, do a Castor/Olive Oil Douche.
4. Each Day, also do Garlic Douche.
5. Take 2 Droppersful of the Female Tonic Formula (3 times per day).
6. Lubricate the Vagina with Olive Oil each night, just before going to Bed.
7. Remove 1 - Herbal Suppository from the Freezer.
8. Hold it in your Hand, until it starts to melt.
9. Insert it into your Vagina.
10. REPEAT the 2 Week Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.
11. Drink 1-3 cups Red Clover Blossom Tea daily.
NOTE: If a Bleeding EMERGENCY occurs in the Vagina, mix 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture in 1 Pint of PURE Water and then squirt that Tincture/Water Solution into the AFFECTED Vaginal Area, using a Glass Turkey Baster like a Large Eye-Dropper. This is EXTREMELY HOT, but VERY EFFECTIVE, since bleeding STOPS within 20 seconds! Plus afterwards drink a mouthful of the Cayenne Pepper Tea. Also be aware that during this POWERFUL Program, LARGE amounts of FLESHY parts (Tumor) may be ejected from your Vagina!
The "INCURABLES" Program should also be done as the FOUNDATION with the Castor/Olive Oil Douche, Female Tonic Formula, Garlic Clove, Garlic Douche, Garlic Oil, Herbal Suppository and Red Clover Blossom Tea as SPECIFICS.
Panty Hose RESTRICT Lymph Fluid and are made from UNHEALTHY Petroleum By-Products! Panty Hose also cause HEAT build-up, thus allowing Candida Yeast and Pathogens to GROW! If Panty Hose are going to be worn at all, then wear ONLY the High-Quality, No-Support, Sheer-Type with a Cotton Crotch! Also use Sanitary Napkins, instead of Tampons, if possible, since Tampons are LINKED with Toxic Shock Syndrome, have TOXIC bleaches, and DIOXIN (a known CARCINOGEN) Contamination! If Tampons are going to be used, then use ONLY the NATURAL (preferably ORGANIC) Cotton Tampons, that are NOW available!

CANCER - EXTERNAL (Breast &/or other Area Tumors &/or Skin Cancer - LARGE Area):
NOTE: This POWERFUL Garlic Poultice (see Steps 1 - 10 below) can be used for ANY External Cancer Growths or the Ones which you can feel through the Skin.
2. Wash-off this Paste in the morning, during the HOT & COLD Showers.
3. DEEPLY Massage RAW Castor Oil into the AFFECTED Area.
4. Apply another GARLIC SUPER BLACK DRAW POULTICE at Noon for the rest of the day until Night-Time
5. Wash-off this Paste during the HOT & COLD Showers.
6. Reapply the GARLIC SUPER BLACK DRAW POULTICE again before going to bed.
7. Apply Aloe Vera Gel into the EMPTY Area, after the External Cancer Growth PEELS OFF within 1-3 weeks.
NOTE: If the EMPTY Area is LARGE or it has been healing SLOWLY, then make enough Slippery Elm Gruel to FILL in and around the EMPTY Area and KEEP refilling, until it has healed COMPLETELY.
8. Drink 1-3 cups Red Clover Blossom Tea daily.
9. Take 2 Droppersful of the Female Tonic Formula (3 times per day).
10. Continue this Treatment, until the AFFECTED Area is COMPLETELY HEALED.
NOTE: ANY External Cancer Growths should PEEL OFF within 1-3 weeks. This method can also be used for Internal Tumors. Please see the following HEALING Method for Internal Tumors also.
The "INCURABLES" Program should also be done as the FOUNDATION with the GARLIC SUPER BLACK DRAW POULTICE, Female Tonic Formula and Red Clover Blossom Tea as SPECIFICS.

CANCER - INTERNAL (Breast &/or other Area Tumors):
1. Lift-up the Flannel Strip, Plastic Sheet, and the Heating Pad together.
2. Apply this Castor Oil Pack against the AFFECTED Area of the Body to be treated.
3. Wrap a large Bath Towel around the Body and over the Castor Oil Pack and pin it in place.
4. Turn up the Heat as HIGH as you can tolerate and leave the Castor Oil Pack in place for 1 Hour.
5. Wash the Flannel THOROUGHLY afterwards in a Solution of 1/4 cup Baking Soda and 2 Quarts of very WARM Water.
6. Squeeze the Flannel THOROUGHLY to get the Castor Oil out COMPLETELY and then rinse it in CLEAR Warm Water.
7. Allow the Flannel to DRY, after rinsing it THOROUGHLY or you can use it MOIST for the NEXT Treatment.
8. Do HOT & COLD Showers daily over the AFFECTED Area involved.
9. DEEPLY massage the AFFECTED Area daily, during the HOT & COLD Showers.
10. Drink 1-3 cups Red Clover Blossom Tea daily.
11. Take 2 Droppersful of the Female Tonic Formula (3 times per day).
12. Continue this Treatment, until the AFFECTED Area is COMPLETELY HEALED.
NOTE: Also include the following suggested Schedule: Monday - 1 hour over the Liver. Wednesday - 1 hour over the Thymus. Friday - 1 hour over the Spleen. When the Castor Oil Treatment is finished, the Oil Pack is REMOVED and a DRY Coarse Cloth is used to massage the Oil, remaining on the Skin into the Body. Be SURE to store the Castor Oil in the Refrigerator, thus ensuring that you will NOT receive ANY RANCID Oils into your Body, that could UNDERMINE your Effort to becoming HEALTHY again!
The "INCURABLES" Program should also be done as the FOUNDATION with the Castor Oil Pack, Female Tonic Formula and Red Clover Blossom Tea as SPECIFICS.
Bras RESTRICT Lymph Fluid and are made from UNHEALTHY Petroleum By-Products! If Bras are going to be worn at all, then use ONLY Cotton, Silk or other Natural Fibers, but preferably the Sport-Style!

1. Take 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture orally.
2. If the PAIN still persists after 1/2 hr., then mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture together. Or even BETTER yet, make Brain Tincture.
3. Take 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of either the Tincture Combination above or the Brain Formula Tincture orally.
4. Drink 3 - 4 Glasses of PURE Water with a pinch of Salt (Sea or Celtic) in a SHORT Period of time.
5. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.
NOTE: If you ONLY get Symptomatic Relief and the Headache returns, then you should probably consider doing a Colon Cleansing Program next.

1. Take 1-2 Dropperfuls (35-70 Drops) of Female Tonic Formula orally (3-4 times DAILY).
2. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

1. Take 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture orally.
2. Mix 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture in 1 Pint of PURE Water.
3. Squirt this Tincture/Water Solution into the AFFECTED Vaginal Area, using a Glass Turkey Baster like a Large Eye-Dropper.
4. If there is PAIN involved, mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture together.
5. Take 10 - 40 Drops of this Tincture Combination orally (3 - 4 times daily).
6. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

1. Mix an EQUAL amount of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture and Valerian Root Tincture together.
2. Take 10 - 40 Drops of this Tincture Combination orally (3 - 4 times daily).
3. Continue this Treatment until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

1. Take 1 Dropperful (35 Drops) of Female Tonic Formula orally on Day 18 of a 28-Day Cycle, (18th Day, after start of your LAST Period).
2. Take 1 Dropperful orally A.M. and P.M. on Day 19.
3. Take 1 Dropperful orally 3 times on Day 20.
4. If PAIN is still involved, mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture together.
5. Take 10 - 40 Drops of this Tincture Combination orally (3 - 4 times daily).
6. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.
NOTE: Can be INCREASED to 2 Dropperfuls orally 3 times DAILY with an occasional Dosage of 4 Dropperfuls orally during EXTREME Symptoms. Also if you ONLY get Symptomatic Relief and the P.M.S. returns each month, then you should consider doing the Colon Cleansing Program.

1. Take 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Echinacea Plus Tincture orally.
2. Mix 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Echinacea Plus Tincture in 1 Pint of PURE Water.
3. Squirt this Tincture/Water Solution into the AFFECTED Vaginal Area, using a Glass Turkey Baster like a Large Eye-Dropper.
4. If there is PAIN involved, mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture together.
5. Take 10 - 40 Drops of this Tincture Combination orally (3 - 4 times daily).
6. Take 1 - 3 Glasses of Activated Charcoal Slurry per day.
7. If the Infection is PERSISTENT, squirt Garlic Oil into the AFFECTED Vaginal Area, using a Glass Turkey Baster like a Large Eye-Dropper.
8. Continue this Treatment, until the AFFECTED Area is COMPLETELY healed.

1. Take 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture orally.
2. Mix 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture in 1 Pint of PURE Water.
3. Squirt this Tincture/Water Solution into the AFFECTED Vaginal Area, using a Glass Turkey Baster like a Large Eye-Dropper.
4. If there is PAIN involved, mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture together.
5. Take 10 - 40 Drops of this Tincture Combination orally (3 - 4 times daily).
6. Continue this Treatment, until the AFFECTED Area is COMPLETELY healed.

If You're Interested In Reading Part 1, Then Please CLICK HERE


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