Therapeutic Action: This formula is a VERY POWERFUL Blood and
Lymph Cleansing Formula and the one that I used for almost 20 years in
my Clinic. EVERY Patient, that I treated and put on my 5-Day Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing Program, consumed 1 bottle of this Formula, during the week of this Program.
Formula: Red Clover Blossoms, Mojave Chaparral Herb and Resin, Poke Root, Oregon Grape Root, Burdock Root and Seed, Yellow Dock Root, Goldenseal Root, Garlic Juice, Lobelia Seed Pods & Cayenne Pepper.
Dosage: 2 dropperfuls (70 drops) 4 to 6 times a day for a week or during the 5-Day Cleansing Program or as described in my NEW "INCURABLES" Program. Mix with a few ounces of Grape Juice to make it go down easier. Drink 64-128 ounces of liquid a day.
If You're Interested In:
Making Dr. Schulze's Detox Formula, Then Please CLICK HERE And HERE.
Ordering Dr. Schulze's Detox Formula, Then Please CLICK HERE.
Reading MORE Information About Dr. Richard Schulze, His Herbal Formulae And/Or Natural Healing Methods, Then Please CLICK HERE.